Free Flow Maintenance Cloths

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  (4.7/5 Stars) - Overall Rating from 24 Users

Part # A-TRNP
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Free Flow Maintenance Cloths

Free Flow Central Vacuum Maintenance Cloths are the do-it-yourself solution for central vacuum system care. These handy cloths are the ultimate way to reduce odors and restore your system to peak efficiency. Suction the treated sheets through the hose and into your vacuum canister to help clean the system. This easy solution to a seemingly difficult problem will be sure to surprise you when you see just how well it works. Call us with any questions you may have about these maintenance cloths and we will gladly answer them.

Top Customer Reviews

(4/5 Stars)

March 20, 2024
Comments not provided.
- Florida

(5/5 Stars)

December 21, 2023

An old system that had not been used for several years left me wondering how to clean the tubes and if they were safe to use. This was a great purchase.

- North Carolina

Ask a Question

Question: What is the cleaning agent on the cloths? I'm concerned that it might be oily or leave a residue that will affect my unit.
CVO's Answer:

Hello and thank you for contacting Central Vacuum Online my name is Ally and I am happy to assist you today. This product is specifically designed for use in central vacuum systems. It is not oily but rather is made to clean and deodorize the piping. 

Question: What if the "maintenance cloth" gets stuck in the system?
CVO's Answer:

The Free Flow Maintenace Sheets do not get stuck in the system. On the contrary clear they inside of the hose and pipes as they travel to the vacuum unit. Their volume and speed force larger objects such as pens, batteries, match box cars, rocks, hair-fuzz balls, jewelry, and sticks to the main vacuum unit.

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